Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Types of element?

1. Active and Passive element:
Active devices are the one which generates (or) amplify (or) rectify any signals (Voltage source, Current source, Diode, Transistor, DIAC, SCR, Op-Amp, etc)
Rest all devices are called a passive device (R, L, C, Transformer).

Note: Amplification here is in terms of the power signal and hence transformer cannot be put under the category of the active device as the power is constant in both the primary and secondary side of the transformer (I1V1 = I2V2).

2. Linear and Non-Linear:
Linear devices are the one which obeys the law of superposition and homogeneity. 
(Or) To put this simply, any straight line passing through the origin is called a linear element (R, L, C).

Non-linear element examples are diode, SCR, DIAC, etc.

3. Bilateral and Unilateral:
Any bilateral element (e.g. R, DIAC) will have similar characteristics in the 1st and 3rd quadrant of the graph else it will be a unilateral element (e.g. Diode).

4. Time-Variant and Time-Invariant
5. Lumped and Distributed

Let's understand these concepts on a graph (I vs V):-

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