Wednesday, July 22, 2020

What are Data Objects (Verilog)?

Data Objects:- These enable the change in state and passing of data from one point to another in logic design.

Two main types of data objects are:

1. Variables

  • Evaluates when a procedural block executes (always or initial)
  • It is procedural – stores and holds the value until its next assignment.

e.g.: reg, integer, real, time, realtime

  • Integer: Represent integer value (e.g. integer a = 7;)
  • Real: Used to model floating-point values (not synthesizable) (e.g. real val_1 = 3.65;)
  • Time: Used to represent delay and sequencing (not synthesizable) (e.g. time delay_1 = 2ns;)
  • Realtime: Store real value of simulation time.
2. Nets

  • Evaluates when the input changes.
  • It is structural – i.e. it connects a driver (or multiple drivers) to the receiver.
  • There are eight data types of nets used for hardware modeling.

e.g.: wire, tri, wand, triand, wor, trior, tri0, tri1, trireg, supply0, supply1

 ** In general, only wire (i.e. point-to-point connections) is used for FPGA-based synthesis enabling source-code portability.

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